Friday, March 9, 2012

Maximum height for table

How do I set the maximum vertical size of a table? I would like to set it based on total vertical size in inches or a maximum number of rows returned.

Thanks for any help.


Click View -> Properties window. The dimensions for a table/matrix can be changed in this window.


Hi Greg,

Do you know how does this height create any difference, what i mean is usually this doesnt restrict the table from expanding or so.

|||So you're saying that you want to cut off the rest of your data if it goes past the height you specify?


Hi Greg -

I don't think I stated my question clearly. What I'm trying to do is limit the number of rows returned in my table. So for example, if the dataset connected to my table contained 30 rows, is it possible to cap the number that are returned to 20? If not, is it possible to set the "canGrow" property to a maximum height?




I would do this in your SQL query.

SELECT TOP 20 * FROM .....


Yes, but unfortunately I am in a situation where I cannot control the results of the stored procedure. I am only able to use pre-existing SPs and build the report.



Please try visibility condition of that section, use =iif(rownumber(nothing)>=20,true,false).



That's a good thought but unfortunately does not do exactly what I need. Using my example from earlier, that code returns 20 rows of data, and then 10 blank lines. My table is still expanded to the full 30 rows however.

Any other ideas?




Are you using it in the visibility of the section and not for the indivisual textbox. What i mean to say is select the complete detail section of the table and then in the visibility condition of the section write this condition, It shold supress the complete sectiona dn shold not give you blank rows.


I had selected the textbox and the full table, but not the detail portion of the table. Smile

Putting the code in the detail portion worked like a charm, thank you!

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